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The Samsung Galaxy A54 is a mid-range smartphone that was announced on March 15, 2023 and was released and available on March 24, 2023.

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My screen is black but is somehow still on

My screen is black while my phone is on,it keeps going dark after it shows a little bit of lifw

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Given that your phone is less than a year old I would strongly suggest you pursue a warranty repair, assuming the screen issue isn't the result of damage or liquid exposure.

Chances are you'll need to replace the screen, and if Samsung will do it under warranty at no cost to you, that's definitely the way to go. Although this guide is for the A54 5G, it should be very close to your phone; just use common sense if you run into any differences.

Manuals / Samsung Galaxy A54 5G / Full screen

Hopefully you don't need that guide, but there it is just in case.

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