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Всё, что нужно знать о ремонте и разборке iPhone SE второго поколения, который был выпущен в апреле 2020 года.

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What phone is this

it said SE under general, but is different from videos of 6,SE, 7??

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thank you that is helpful


thanks again for the help


thanks again Jerry. I got things back together and I'll dig deeper to ID it.


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There are three iPhones with the designation "SE"; the original, the 2020 model and the 2022 model. The "Axxxx" model information will tell you which one you have. Here's how to find the number you want.

The SE 1st generation is based on the 5S chassis and the model number will be one of: A1662, A1723, A1724.

The SE 2020 is based on the iPhone 8 chassis and will be one of: A2275, A2296, A2298.

The SE 2022 is also based on the iPhone 8 and has model numbers: A2595, A2782, A2784, A2785, A2783.

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is there a reason why the last group of SE2022 numbers are not in sequence?


@johnkeatin77492 According to everymac.com, here are the differences.

The US/Canada/Mexico/Saudi Arabia (A2595), Japan (A2782), and Global (A2783) iPhone SE 3 models support dual SIMs -- one physical Nano SIM and one digital eSIM -- but the model sold in mainland China (A2785) only supports a single Nano SIM.

So the A2595 is the US model, and the A278X models are for the rest of the world. They don't list the A2784 model for some reason.



@johnkeatin77492 So, which one did yours end up being?


it's dissembled at the moment, so I'm not certain.

but i know i ordered the wrong battery.

didn't realize there were varieties of SE


@johnkeatin77492 Ah, you can always check in the SIM card slot; it's engraved there.


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john keating будет вечно благодарен.
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