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Model A2159, EMC 3301. A refresh of the entry-level 13" MacBook Pro. Available in Silver and Space Gray. Released July 2019.

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Original Battery not recognized


I was assembling my macbook pro 13" 2019 and I have this problem: my macbook not recognized the original battery.

Have I damage the battery flex data cable? because, I pulled of this flex cable and I did not open the connector flex of the mainboard.


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Thank you,

Update (05/03/24)


The only way to turn on my macbook pro is: connecting it to the electical network with my power adapter.

Thank you

Update (05/03/24)

Hi Dan,


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Update (05/06/24)


I have already had a new flex cable !!! and I have just fixed my macbook pro !!!

Thank you for all answers !!

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So the only way to use it is to plug it into the wall?


Exactly! That is the only way to use my macbook...

If I install Cocunut Battery... It will show "nan"


Both connectors seem to be fine and their tabs too, so is it possible that I have damaged the flex cable or the connectors of the mainboard?

I hope I have damaged only that cable...


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Ответов (1)

Выбранное решение

Can you post images of both connectors so we can see if they are damaged. If it’s just the cable that’s replaceable MacBook Pro 13" Retina (A1708, A2159, A2338) Battery Daughter Board Cable

MacBook Pro 13" Retina (A1708, A2159, A2338) Battery Daughter Board Cable Изображение


MacBook Pro 13" Retina (A1708, A2159, A2338) Battery Daughter Board Cable


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Hi @danj,

Very close to being a short circuit between connector pins 9 and 10 (from the left) in the 2nd image posted above.

What do you think?


@jayeff - I would replace the cable for sure, but the real issue is what happed within the connectors.


@consu - Looking at the connectors they look OK, so maybe all you’ll need is a new cable! I wish you luck!


Thank you so much for your point of view!!

I will write here when I have the new Flex Cable.


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