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The Nintendo 3DS XL 2015, marketed as the New Nintendo 3DS XL, was released October 11, 2014 in Japan and February 13, 2015 in North America.

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My 3ds turns on but the screens stay black

I bought this 3ds used and it worked fine until I tried a system transfer and then cancelled it halfway through. The 3ds then crashed and whenever I try to open it the blue light turns on but the screens are just black and there is no sound coming out either. I tried opening the system update menu (L+R+A+Up) and it didn't work at all at first but after a few tries I got it to work. My system was up to date and afterwards I was even able to open the 3ds normally but after turning it off I'm back where I started, only the blue light turns on but screens are black and the system update doesn't open up either.

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Have you checked it for CFW? Just hold down select while booting and see if luma bootmenu opens


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Oh dear!

There is definitely an issue with the software! So, you can finally get the 3DS to boot normally right? At this point, you need to format the system (factory defaults) and hoping that the software will fix it self! There is not much else to do at this moment as the 3DS is already up to date.

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