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The Toshiba Satellite L505 is a 15.6 inch value notebook computer.

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new the wifi service won't connect

I recently upgraded to a new 5G Wi-Fi service but now my Toshiba satellite laptop doesn't see the network as an option when I pull up Network lists it's not on there

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Hi @jenk31979

Assuming you mean a 5GHz WiFi connection then according to the laptop specifications, the WLAN card (WiFi) in the laptop is designed for 2.4GHz networks only i.e. 802.11 b/g/n specs.

To get it to work on a 5GHz network you would have to upgrade the WLAN card to one having 802.11ac specifications i.e. both 2.4GHz and 5Ghz

Here's an image taken from the ifixit Toshiba Satellite L505 Laptop Motherboard Replacement guide, showing the location of the WLAN card (it has the two antenna leads plugged into it)

Block Image

(click on image)

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Thank you for the detailed instructions, I appreciate the attention to detail. I'm just not sure that's something I feel comfortable doing myself. Honestly I was hoping for a quick work around for now, until I can take it to my computer guy in the States... But thank you


@jenk31979 depending on where you live there could be someone near where you live to do it for you :)



Quick bypass is to get a USB2.0 5GHz WiFi dongle (example only) and plug that into the laptop use that


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restart you device or router :)

or if you have an cable network disconnect the cable and try connecting it again

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I've tried all that, everything else connects just fine. My laptop s network card doesn't seem to recognize 5g, only 2.4g.


@sparkleman The laptop is from 2010 no amount or restarting will help if the laptop's wifi card is too old for a 5GHz connection. The way these wifi networks work is by sending out waves and the 5GHz's waves have peaks that are closer together, but they are too close together for the older wifi card to "see" them. So the router and device are perfectly fine if not outdated.


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