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This Nintendo DS Lite was released in 2006 as the successor to the Nintendo DS. Getting inside this device is simple, making for easy fixes.

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Can EM10 be fixed with just a soldering iron?

Hi, I opened up a Nintendo ds lite to shell swap it and EM10 filter just isn't there, resulting in the ds not charing. My question is... Is it possible to replace this part with a simple soldering iron or is this too hard? What should I need? Soldering iron, braid, flux, and a very fine tip? I'm a total beginner, so any directions and help would be very appreciated. Thanks!!

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I successfully repaired this with a soldering iron many times.

You need:

  • Soldering iron (with a tiny tip is recommended)
  • Flux
  • De-soldering (copper) braid
  • Magnifier (recommended)

Please make sure that you take the time and be very carefull! It’s easy to damage the solder pads.

You can either replace the part (recommended) or either bridge the connections for the EM10).

The guide you need: Repairing a Nintendo DS that is not charging

Good Luck with the repair! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask!

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