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The iMac is Apple's line of all-in-one desktop computers.

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21.5" iMac screen displays a very faint Apple Logo after hd swap

I replaced the hard drive in my late 2015 iMac 21.5” Per the iFixit instructions, I tested the unit before permanently sealing the screen to its back.

The screen does not display anything EXCEPT for a very faint pulsating Apple logo. My local uBreakiFix store got the same pulsating logo using a different monitor but could go no further. Reinstalling the old hard drive resulted in the same results.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Some system specifics:

Apple iMac 21.5”

Late 2015

EMC 2889

OS 16.1 Monterey

V12.7.3 (upgraded 2/20/2024)

Processor: 1.6 GHX Dual core i5


Ram: 8GV 1867 MHz DDR3

USB 3.0 (four ports) 5gb throughput

Thunderbolt (two  ports) 20GB throughput

Storage 1TB SATA Drive  910GPAV

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Some things you can try include a NVRAM reset, booting into Safe Mode, booting into Recovery Mode or Internet Recovery Mode, booting into Target Disk Mode, or running the Apple Diagnostic. If none of those options change behavior, and it can only boot to a faint Apple logo, then it sounds like some additional hardware issue is taking place.

It would be worth checking to see if you have a Fusion Drive—if so then the blade drive installed on the back side of the logic board may also be causing a problem, in which case you may need to uninstall the blade drive to regain functionality.

Good luck!

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