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{A1989 / EMC3214}—Released in July 2018, the 13" MacBook Pro features quad-core i5 and i7 processors and Intel Iris Plus integrated graphics.

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Why is my MacBook Pro 2019 13" getting a black screen and no chime?

My MacBook Pro 2019 (it's a 2019 don't pay attention to the device details) 13 inch stopped working about a week ago. It has had a yellow line down the screen for awhile and I don't know if this is related. When you turn it on, you get no chime and nothing on the screen, except the yellow line which darkens and brightens.

I've tried resetting the SMC, PRAM, and I've tried disconnecting the battery with the same results. I've tried the SMC and PRAM multiple times also. What else can I try?

I'm beginning to think it is the logic board.

Thank You!

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  1. Does it react on caps lock key?
  2. What happens if you start it while holding Option key with usb stick with activity LED connected?

if you are able to find usb-c Hub with HDMI connector, try to disconnect the internal screen and start the machine with usbc-hdmi display connected. on first start, keep cmd+opt+p+r pressed. keep it pressed around a minute, then let the device run further.

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mlcottle будет вечно благодарен.
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