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The second generation PlayStation Vita, the PCH-2000 series, is commonly referred to as either the PS Vita Slim or the PS Vita 2000. Announced in Japan fall 2013, and released in North America in May 2014. It is rated as a hand held entertainment device. Supported by :: Wi‑Fi, PlayStation Now, PlayStation Network / Plus, Bluetooth. Model number: PCH-2001.

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Why is the video not playing on my Vita Browser?

When I was playing a video on my Vita browser, The error shows saying An error occured, Is there a 100 percent fix on this?

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Hi Chris! We need some more information! What kind of error? Do you have any photo's regarding this? Is the console modded? Does it happen with every video? Thanks in advance!


This is the error code that showed up, C0-143540-3 that showed up, It was working fine, until now.


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Hi Chris!

Little can found about the provided error code.

I found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/VitaPiracy/comm...

I’m afraid that Youtube support is stopped for the PS Vita (as there are no future updates available etc).

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chris mathis будет вечно благодарен.
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