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Repair and disassembly information for the Samsung Galaxy S21 5G Android smartphone, announced and released in January 2021.

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WI-FI constantly turning itself off

Okay so I got this phone second hand, it is the Galaxy S21 FE 5g, the wifi constantly turns itself off after about 10-15 minutes on the new ui 6 update, i’ve been through all settings involving samsungs smart connect, and factory reset multiple times. no cracks or outside damage. the bluetooth is fine so I know it’s wifi specific and happens on every network. it’s not my main phone but I would like to invest a little into fixing it, I just don’t know what i’d need to replace or if samsung is still as repairable as it used to be, i’ve had an iphone as my main for quite a while now

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Check for any battery saver settings being turned on... it might be that it's turning off the wifi to conserve power.

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dominick giovannelli будет вечно благодарен.
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