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The Razer Blade (2018) is a 15.6-inch gaming laptop released in May 2018.

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How do I know if the battery from iFixIt is compatible?

I need to replace the battery on my Razer Blade 15 Mercury, I purchased the laptop back in 2018 and is a US model, delivered to the UK.

On the back it has the model number: RZ09-02385.

I'm looking at purchasing the one from the store: Razer Blade 15" (2018/2019) Laptop Battery

The page does not say model numbers for the 2018 model. Is there a way I can tell it will be compatible?

Replace a 4221 mAh battery compatible with your Razer Blade Laptop. 65 Watt Hours (Wh). 15.4 Volts (V). Part #RC30-0270. Изображение


Razer Blade 15" (2018/2019) Laptop Battery


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I managed to open up and view the battery model number, for anyone that interested; the battery required is

Model: RC30-0248

Rated Capaticty: 5209mAh / 80Wh

Rated Voltage: 15.4V

This look like it will match, although the page says 2020 advance model, I purchase my Razer Blade in 2018.

Razer Blade 15" Advanced Model Laptop Battery

Replace a 5209 mAh battery compatible with your Razer Blade 15" 2020 Advanced model Laptop. 80.2 Watt Hours (Wh). 15.4 Volts (V). Part #RC30-0248. Изображение


Razer Blade 15" Advanced Model Laptop Battery


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Review the label info on your battery and the one being offered do they match up? Model number, voltage and mAh?

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Thanks, I was hoping to buy both the battery and the kit to open up at the same time but looks like I will need to buy the kit first to open up the laptop again. My T5 driver is more like a circle now.


Thanks, I managed to access the battery, it is model RC30-0248, so the battery in my original post is not the right one.


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