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Основная модель линейки смартфонов 2019 года от Apple, выпущенная 20 сентября и получившая название iPhone 11. Устройство получило 6,1-дюймовый дисплей с двойной камерой и в шести цветах. Достойный преемник iPhone XR.

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Touchscreen quit, display still works

The touchscreen on my iPhone 11 just quit working. The display is functioning normally. Just a random hard stop on the touchscreen, never had any issues before this. Always had a screen protector and case on.

Will replacing the screen fix the issue, or might it be something else?


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Check the display flat flex connectors (ffcs) are properly seated and free of debris to the logic board, test the screen on another i11 or try a new display , after that you would be looking at a logic board repair or battery related issue.

Pretty much I'd try unplugging the screen and plugging it back in

Then replacing it.

If you battery health is under 70%

touch issues are common

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