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The PlayStation Vita is the successor to the PSP. It contains a beefed up processor and graphics, and includes the addition of a second analog stick. It was released February 15, 2012.

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How to fix square button?

The square button when pressed is stuck and feels awkward. Feels like a controller with a sticky button. I tried alcohol and blowing it. need Help!

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has anything been spilt down it or is it the mechanics of the button?


@ daniel robinson It is the mechanics of the button


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Выбранное решение

You can find a repair part to fix the PS Vita square,cross,round, triangle, start or select button here :


Verry easy to fix it yourself, you can use the PS Vita teardown guide found on here :

PlayStation Vita Teardown

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i can only suggest calling sony it is still in warrenty and this issue will be covered because its not your fault. you can take it apart but there arent many spare parts knocking around so i would just call them they should replace it

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joseph floyd будет очень признателен(а).
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