Laptop won't boot up, power light and charging light flash
Hello, first question here.
I recently acquired a HP notebook, model number 15S-FQ2038NA. The previous owner had removed the factory ram and supplied no charger, so I fitted a new stick of compatible ram and acquired a replacement charger.
After letting it charge for about an hour, I tried firing the system up on mains power. The power indicator light on the right hand side flashes white and stays so for about three seconds, before turning off for another three. When plugged into the mains, the charging indicator light on the left hand side flashes white for a moment, then orange, then switches off over a period of about six seconds. There are no flashing lights on the keyboard.
Having followed a few tutorials, I have tried a number of power reset options, both based on those on HP's website for similar models and various YouTube videos. I also removed the battery, and even without the battery and plugged into mains power, the system does not power on and displays similar lights, which would suggest to me that the battery is fine and isn't the issue.
Does anybody happen to have any suggestions as to what to try next?
EDIT: Following numerous questions about the lights visible, I decided to capture some footage of them and add them here as GIFs since it's easier to show than it is to explain.
Charging indicator light (only when power via AC is connected)
Power indicator light (does not stop repeating this pattern unless internal battery is removed)
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7 Комментариев
@tomeicowboy we need more info on this. Skip the seconds in between the repeats. How many times does it blink? If I understand you correctly. when connect to battery only, then "the power indicator light on the right hand side flashes white", but when you connect the power adapter "the charging indicator light on the left hand side flashes white for a moment, then orange" So, not the power indicator but just the charging indicator flashes. Correct? How many times?
из oldturkey03
@oldturkey03 Indeed, when on the battery only, the right hand side indicator flashes. When using mains power, the power indicator and charging indicator flash with the different patterns described - the lights last about three seconds, excluding the pauses. It seems to blink indefinitely - I last powered it on an hour ago and it is still flashing.
из Tomei_Cowboy
@tomeicowboy good. That is partly what we need to know. Now, don't count the seconds but count how many times it blinks during those seconds. How many times does each light blink until the pause? HP uses a two light blink code. Each light will most likely be a different number of blinks. Those are the numbers we need to know.
из oldturkey03
The power indicator light blinks once during a three second cycle - it is literally solid for three seconds, then off for three. The charging indicator light is solid white once, then orange once, then off for a moment. I am happy to record the patterns later on.
из Tomei_Cowboy
the charging light turns to amber because it tries to charge the battery. If it stays white, the battery is fully charged. So that looks somewhat normal. The power LED issue appears to be a motherboard generated error. We'll need to know what exact model your motherboard is.
из oldturkey03
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