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touchID not working after screen replacement on idevice


I've performed several screen replacement on iphone 6s, iphone 8 and ipadmini4 and often happens that touchID doesn't work or in case of iphone 8 home button doesn't work.

I could not exclude I've damaged the cable or contacts during switch of home button between screens (still have to find the way to remove ipadmini 4 lcd without damage).

But, in most general terms, there:

  1. There are procedures to "reset" the home button (I suppose the button has to be somehow recognised by the screen since it's attached to it)
  2. Any suggested testing tools for home button or lcd? (Could the problems be caused by low quality lcd?)

Best regards.

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Выбранное решение

iOS/iPadOS can detect whether the part you have is a genuine Apple part, including displays and home buttons. Because taking out the home button or modifying the screen and spoofing either one to hack the device could be a vector of attack into your devices' personal data, iOS/iPadOS is programmed to disable TouchID/FaceID whenever a non-Apple part is detected. The only solution I can offer is getting your parts directly from Apple in the future.

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