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How to Clean the Keyboard bei Mac Air 11 inch

MacBook Air 11 Model A1370

Is there any way I can clean my keyboard. i spilled some yoghurt on it and now some keys are not working. I have already ripped the laptop off but even though there are so many screws there is no way I can dismantle the upper body from the keyboard. please help me if u can :-) Thanks in advance

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By some keys don't work do you mean an entire row or do they stick? Never say never this site is known for going past the limits :-) have you tried looking at some of the guides that closely resemble your model?


they don't stuck. it's just when you press one of hem no letter is written on the screen. some times if u push the button 2-3 times it writes 4-5 strange letters. So I have 4-5 on the middle left side (arround the S) and 4-5 on the right side (arround the P). Than the arrows for left and right. Funny thing ist that the up-down arrows work properly.


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If you're getting multiple character when typing, the keyboard has shorted out and needs to be replaced. There is no repairing it. I've done many of these and it requires a top case replacement.

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Here's how to do it: MacBook Air 11" Late 2010 Upper Case Replacement

For the EXACT part number please give us the last three figures of your serial number. This is a difficult repair and great care must be taken to avoid pulling the cable sockets off the logic board.


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dismantle the laptop and remove all the things from the topcase means keyboard . remove trackpad also. after removing all the parts from the topcase you will see only keyboard inside attached only nothing else. after that wash it with soap or any handwash. after washing properly clean it with towel and leave in the sunlight for 5-6 hours from morning to afternoon. i had done this so many times. you will think how this possible but you can try this . best of luck

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SIMRAM, I dismantled the laptop, but the newer model has a black cover... how do you take it apart without ripping it? Could you please post some pictures??? All the solutions given by www.ifixit.com go as far as to this point. As of today, there is not a single solution (for a MBA mid 2011, either 11" or 13") that shows how to open this part. Not even in the MacBook Air 13" 2011 Teardown. Not even there. MacBook Air 13" Mid 2011 Teardown Thank you

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first my name is simran not simram, after removing all the things from the lower base. only black sheet of backlit keyboard will remain in the keyboard. its very easy to remove. do not try to remove the single black sheet. there are 3 layers of sheets . one is the top black one, second one is plastic transparent one, 3 one is white color one having wholes inside that sheet. from one side try to remove all the sheets together then you can easily remove that other wise you will not get the backlight into keyboard later on in whole keyboard


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