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My new ifixit battery connector is different than old one. (Solved)

New connector has only one screw hole. Old connector had two screw holes. Worse, I think the one screw hole on the new connector doesn't match up with the screw hole in the case. Is that possible? could I have the wrong replacement battery? How would I know for sure...apart from the misfitting screw hole and the one missing screw hole?

If I somehow do have the right replacement battery (for the model A1387), how do I get the connector screw hole aligned to the case screw hole and get the connector seated to circuit board?

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Do you have an iPhone 4 or 4S?


Pretty sure it's a 4S. The model number tells that, does it not? A1387?



I looked at the packing list.

For the battery, it reads as follows:

Part # IF182-000-1 iPhone 4 Replacement Battery

Does that mean I have the wrong battery? I ordered a replacement battery for the iPhone 4S.


Thank you, OT0.

I will take that up with ifxit tomorrow.


franklin6, thank you for accepting my answer. Best of luck to you and your phone.


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Выбранное решение

franklin6, I just checked on your battery with # Part # IF182-000-1 and that is the battery for a iPhone 4 GSM, the part number for the iPhone 4S is IF115-005-1 Hope this helps.

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Оценка 3

2 Комментариев:

I got the right battery, returned the wrong one, put the right battery in place of the tea damaged one, and presto, the phone works again.

Slight qualification: the screen is somewhat messed up. I see a kind of large cellular texture that my wife said she saw when she dropped the phone in her tea. It is evident, but not annoying. We will say mission accomplished and hope for the best.

Thanks for helping, folks.


Xcellent! Great job.....;-)


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