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Mid 2006 / Model Number: A1181 / black or white case / 1.83 or 2.0 GHz Intel Core Duo processor

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sound not working properly

I have tried turning the sound up and down my pressing the sound key on my keyboard and nothing is working on it

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I had the same problem with a 17" PowerBook 1.67Ghz high res. running Leopard 10.5.8. No sound and checking the sound panel I noticed that I could not do any change. There was a message telling:

"The selected device has no output control"

Repairing permissions In Disk Utility and rebooting was the solution to my sound problem.

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Go under the Apple (upper left hand corner) to System preferences - Sound. Hit the Middle button - Output - Turn the sound all the way up then move the balance bar to the right and left. Do you have now or have you ever has anything connected to the speaker port? Under choose a device for sound output what's listed?

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kerry будет вечно благодарен.
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