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An easy to use home Espresso machine created by Saeco and rebranded for Starbucks. This machine is excellent for every day espresso drinkers and has an excellent build and product life.

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Replacement spring for pressurized portafilter

The pressurized portafilter that the Barista uses is supposedly not serviceable. But as the guide shows, you can certainly take it apart.

Has anyone replaced the springs inside the portafilter? If so, please share the specs on the springs and where you got them.


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The large round spring is Saeco part #126769918 and the smaller, elbow-shaped one is #126768418. Both can be purchased from http://www.saeco-accessories.com.

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Take a look here and see if the mushroom spring is what you need: http://www.espressocare.com/Qstore/Qstor...

Is this it? http://espressocare.com/Qstore/Qstore.cg...

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That spring prevents the water from flowing out of the boiler until pressure reaches a certain level (at least that's my understanding). So it belongs to a different part of the machine.

With that said, it is possible that they use the same spring inside of the portafilter. Anyone know?



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