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Model A1013, A1052, A1085, or A1107 / 1440x900 screen resolution

121вопросов Показать все

Why is there no video or sound on boot?

There is no video or sound after i hit the power button. I here the cd rom spin up, but nothing else its the same on the battery or the charger. I have tried removing the RAM and replaced it. I'm out of ideals now. Thanks for any help.

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Выбранное решение

Force Quit (Option-Command-Escape)

Restart (Control-Command-Power)

Force Shut Down (press the power button for 10 seconds)

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thanks for the post, but what is this going to do? I know if the system is locked up this can help, but its not booting at the point. maybe a little in sight might help me see what you going for.


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try to reset the SMC by force shut down and unplug the AC cord wait 15 seconds then try to start it up

if it didnt work try to replace the Hard drive

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1 Комментарий:

thanks, but no help.


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robert будет вечно благодарен.
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