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itunes on my iPod touch wont work

I got an ipod touch from a friend and i cant seem to connect to itunes on my ipod touch it says cannot connect to itunes and youtube says cannot connect to yotube how can i fix it?

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its a 1st gen and its a 16GB


how do i do that? and if i completely restore my ipod would i lose all my music?


i have restored my ipod 1st gen and i still cant get itunes to work or youtube.


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I would just suggest a complete restore.

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Hello Shorty,

In order to restore your iPod Touch, simply connect your device to your computer. Select your iPod touch when it appears in iTunes under Devices and click the Summary tab. Select the Restore option and when it asks you to, Back Up your device. iTunes should then ask you if you want to restore (Make sure you have a back up!) and it will wipe your device.

Once that's done, just Right Click on your device and select "Restore from Back Up" and let it do it's thing.

Good Luck !!

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thank u for the answer but itunes or youtube still doesnt work. what can i do to fix it or get it to work?


when you plug your iPod in, does iTunes recognize it? Does iTunes start up?


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