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Recovering an iPod Classic from the Garbage.

Franklin -

iPod Classic

Картинка к истории

iPod Classic Logic Board Replacement

1 - 2 часы


Моя проблема

I found an iPod Classic 160 gigs once in the garbage—almost two years ago. It was all soaked in water. It didn't work at all.

Моё решение

I searched for how to open the iPod, and I ended up on this website. I followed all the instructions, and took out the motherboard and then I cleaned it with alcohol. And what a surprise when I plugged it in my computer! It worked! But didn't charge the battery, so I got a new battery from iFixit. It worked as intended, but the iPod was still refusing to charge! So I got a new motherboard from iFixit!

And now I cheerfully enjoy my like-brand-new iPod!

Мой совет

If you are planning to fix something by yourself, research a lot about it! But the risk is worth it when you're able to fix something that was broken! Be proud of what you can do!

iPod Classic (160 GB) Logic Board Изображение
iPod Classic (160 GB) Logic Board


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YES! Awesome story. Thanks so much for sharing :)

Kay-Kay Clapp - Ответить

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