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Simple but a pain in the butt

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iPhone 6

iPhone 6 Battery Replacement

iPhone 6 Battery Replacement

20 мин.


Моя проблема

The battery went from 70%-0% in about 15 minutes.

Моё решение

This is a semi-routine repair for me. It’s very straight forward, nothing confusing about it, just the adhesive strips are very annoying. Honestly a setback in repairability. They are the sole reason this went from a easy to a moderate. I hate them.

Мой совет

Expect to destroy your old battery. I’ve tried several ways and can’t get it out without a fight and a flathead screwdriver.

iPhone 6/6s/7 Battery Adhesive Strips Изображение
iPhone 6/6s/7 Battery Adhesive Strips


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