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iPhone 8 can wait

Robert Dunlap -

iPhone 6

iPhone 6 Battery Replacement

iPhone 6 Battery Replacement

45 мин.


Моя проблема

Coincidental with the introduction of the iPhone 8 and the new operating system, my battery life dropped precipitously. While I'd love a newer, faster, shinier phone, I resent spending several hundred dollars every 2 years for a new phone. So I decided to get some more life out of a phone that is otherwise in great shape. If it screwed it up, I was only out about $30.

Моё решение

Repair was a breeze. I watched a non-ifixit Youtube video that actually had some extra steps in it. It would have been even easier had I just used your video.

Мой совет

After seeing the inside of the iPhone, I'm not as intimidated by the idea of opening it and replacing whatever needs to be replaced.

iPhone 6 Battery Изображение
iPhone 6 Battery


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