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phone dropped in pool

pkreger58 -

iPhone 4S

iPhone 4S Home Button Ribbon Cable Replacement

iPhone 4S Home Button Ribbon Cable Replacement

2 - 3 часы


Моя проблема

The home button wouldn't work and the phone kept turning on - thus draining the battery

Моё решение

It was a long process, but we fixed it. The guides were very helpful. It took approximately 4 hours. The worst part was were that the screws were so small, it was hard sometimes to tell which one you were supposed to use when putting it back together. We had it organized, but one got moved and it was interesting figuring out exactly what size it was. Whoever came up with the guide, THANK YOU!!!

Мой совет

Just make sure when you take it apart, you put the screws in the exact order so that you know which one is which. We didn't realize at the beginning that there were several different sizes and to the eye, they pretty much look the same.

P2 Pentalobe Screwdriver iPhone Изображение
P2 Pentalobe Screwdriver iPhone


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