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If your controller doesn't vibrate while playing games that support rumble features, or if the vibrations seem odd or off in any way, use this page to get shaking again.
Vibration Setting Not Enabled
Make sure your vibrations setting is enabled. This can be done in the settings of the game you are playing.
Low Batteries
If your batteries are low, the controller may not vibrate in an effort to save battery life. Replace the batteries or charge your controller.
Parts: AA Batteries for Xbox One, Xbox One Controller Charging Cable
Tools required: None
Vibration May Not Be Supported By The Game
Try using another controller on the game that you are playing. If the controller is still not vibrating, the game most likely does not support this option.
Vibration Motor is Defective
If you have tried everything above and your controller still refuses to vibrate, there may be something wrong with the vibration motor. Get ready to grab a screw driver, you're going to need it for the Trigger Rumble Motor Replacement Guide. This guide requires soldering.
Part: Xbox One controller trigger vibration motor
Tools required: T6 Torx, TR8 Torx, Spudger, soldering station tweezers (recommended)
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