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Google-branded tablet with a 7" screen. The device needs only prying tools and screwdrivers to fix. Model number: ME370T.

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What is the problem of my device? How can I fix it?

My device had NEVER been dropped.

but the Lcd displays half of the screen.

nothings wrong with the touch response (digitizer)

here is the Image link:


video link:


'''their are times that it returns to normal but then it goes back to its defect.


so what would be the problem..is it the connections inside the device or the the LCD itself is the problem?

what i had done so far was to dismantle/teardown the device parts like what is illustrated here:

Nexus 7 Teardown

no luck, i thought it would be the connections, but its not.

However i leave the LCD copper untouched. because i don't know what to do their.

so what do you guys think is the issue here?

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I guess your right. so maybe i buy another unit but not Nexus 7..

but still hoping someone out there would know how to fix this defect.


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Looking at the images you posted, it seems like you have a bad LCD. It is possible that it is the ribbon cable, which may have dislodged, but ultimately it appears to be a bad LCD.

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