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First-generation Apple iPad with Wi-Fi, available with 16, 32, or 64 GB. Model Number A1219. Repairs are straightforward and do not require heat.

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Bluetooth and Wifi grayed out on settings, Any ideas?

The Bluetooth and WiFi do not work on this iPad. When you go to settings and try to select them you cant because they are grayed out.

I have done a Hard Reset, synced it to iTunes and made sure it was as up to date as it could be. I also reset it to factory settings. I refuse to believe that this is the end. Any ideas of what could have happened and what I can try to do to fix my iPad?

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The logicboard responds this way when there is a problem with the wifi/Bluetooth pathways on the motherboard. Even at the level of the motherboard, these devices are all Legos, the wrong piece can almost always be identified and switched out--it is often just a matter of feasibility/cost.

You might as well open it up to take a look--the WiFi antenna is fairly easy to replace (but I don't think it grays out the wifi when missing, but i could be wrong on that).

If you end up needing a motherboard repair, you probably want to learn to take the motherboard out yourself (follow a guide). In the iPhone this repair is fairly common and straightforward to have done --search "blue coil replacement iphone"

Let us know if you get that far and need help finding someone to do the board surgery.

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