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after logicboard repair internal speakers stopped working.

I was repairing an ipad mini digitizer, and stupid me left the power connected. after getting the logicboard repaired I put the ipad mini back together and no the speakers are not making a sound. It looks like the connect with a contact connection on the charging port cable. Any ideas?

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yes, check the connection at the dock connector screws, and then check the soldering at the board/dock connector junction. If some of pads on the edge have lifted, that could be the problem.

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Just ran into a similar issue. There's no documentation on how exactly the speakers connect so it took some trial and error. The speaker connection runs through the cable that goes to the "lightning" port. There are two gold connections that stick out of the lightning port that need to go in between two flaps on the speaker connections. Fixed my iPad right up. Hope this helps!

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Hmm I made sure my speakers were connected as you specified but I still have no internal sound. Any thoughts?


You're a genius, Matt. Thank you.


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