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Компания Apple представила iPhone 5s 10 сентября 2013 года. Ремонт данного устройства схож с предыдущими моделями, требующий отвертки и инструменты для вскрытия. Доступен в версиях GSM или CDMA; с 16, 32 или 64 ГБ памяти; в цветах: Серебристый, Золотой и «Серый космос».

Вопросов 20 Показать все

I forgot my passcode, how do I remove it?

I forgot the passcode for my iPhone 5s, I tried entering the passcode multiple times and it says "iPhone is disabled Connect to iTunes".

Now I am locked out. How can I regain access?

iPhone 5S, iOS 7.1.2

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45 Комментариев

i forget my iphone lockscheen password how to remove it


this video will provide you with step my step instructions to solve your problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3WUycuj...


Hi I have a iPhone 5 but I locked screen so how can I open?


hi i have a iPhotne 5 but i lockedscreen so how can i open?


I have a passcode on my iphone 5 an 6 how do I unlock it need help



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Выбранное решение

You can remove the passcode by restoring your device from iTunes or Find My iPhone if you've turned it on before. The catch here is that you will lose your data by following the above method, so you should be aware of that.

If you don't want any data loss, then you should first enter into DFU mode and use apps to get the passcode and paste the code somewhere, then exit DFU mode and input the passcode you just received. This method was recommended by a friend of a local workshop. More details can be found here, and you can leave comments for further requests.

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This will not work for iPhone 5s


wow, it worked, thanks !!!!!!!


this video will provide you with step my step instructions to solve your problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3WUycuj...


I want open id lock at my 5s


even if I had restored it to factory setting using itunes.. when I opened my phone.. it still was the same as before


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Wipe the phone entirely using DFU mode.

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Will I lost the data with this suggestion? Thanks


Yes, you will. If you have backed up to iCloud or PC before, you can get everything back easily. If you didn't back up, then your data is ALREADY lost. It is impossible to recover whatsoever.


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Try resetting your iPhone by pressing both the Home button and the Power button together for 30 seconds. When it asks you if you want to slide to turn it off, ignore this message and KEEP holding.

Finally, the screen will go off and your iPhone will be re-setting. Wait for a couple of minutes and turn it on the usual way.

If it still asks you for the passcode, the only way to get back into the iPhone is to plug it into the original computer with the original itunes and press "restore".

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iPhone is disabled so how can I open my phone please help me please


I'm so worried


when do it ,it doesn`t asked me


Some body plz help me to get back in my phone


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Either remember the passcode or as tom says you need to enter dfu mode then iTunes will let you restore and yes you will lose everything that's on the device unless you made a iCloud or iTunes backup before you forgot the code

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thanks for the suggestion. it will be tough when everything got deleted...


Unless you remember passcode there is no way to save you data don't be fooled by downloading data recovery software because it won't work..


Hi guys, I have a question to ask: I remember my passcode now that my iphone is disabled. Is there any way for me to be able to input the passcode one more time? Thank you.


I also remember my passcode, but iPhone is already locked. Is there a way to just unlock it instead of restoring and loosing all data? I typed the pin code by mistake, instead of the unlock code. Thanks a lot!


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Here are the steps for you, when you forgot iPhone passcode:

Step 1: Connect iPhone to computer via a USB cable> launch iTunes on computer.

Step 2: When you launch iTunes, it will automatically sync your device. But if it doesn't, you need to do it on your own, which means you have to do the following steps: Click "View"> "Show Sidebar", then your iPhone will be displayed in the left sidebar.

Step 3: When iTunes have synced and backed up your device, please go to "Device" in the sidebar. Then click on Summary tab. Next go to "Restore iPhone" button.

Step 4: Finally, click on "Restore Backup" to restore iPhone from iTunes backup files and then you can reset your iPhone passcode.

Hope it can help you and if you found data loss of your iPhone, you can choose FonePaw iPhone Data Recovery to recover lost data.

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What if u don't have access to a computer


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Flash you iPhone using iTunes or 3uTools

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Here is apple’s guide on what to do if you have a disabled iPhone:


I personally use the 3uTools application because it’s great for restoring disabled iPhones which you can download here:


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is it can reset the passcode?


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I fixed my iPhone & Saved my data by following this guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4Tmt3IW...

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help me iphone 5s lock remove

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Connect iPhone to iTunes, if can detect by iTunes, from Summary, Restore iPhone button will unlock iPhone, and then we can restore from iTunes backup file.

But of no have Apple ID and password, turn to tool to remove iPhone screen lock without password in clicks.


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