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Announced October 22nd and released November 12th, 2013. The iPad mini 2, also known as the iPad mini with Retina Display, has all the pixels of the iPad Air in a smaller 7.9" form factor.

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lcd touching the digitizer when installing

I have replaced the lcd and digitizer on a ipad mini 2. When puting the digitizer on it touches the lcd and makes black puddle shapes. I don't know what the problem can be causING them to touch or how to fix it. The case doesn't seem bent btw

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most likely case: banged up middle shield.

otherwise you'll just have to hunt for what is causing the LCD to lift--the tiniest shard of glass or a dropped screw can do it.

If you're sure nothing is lifting the LCD, then you may have lost the thin spacers that live at the bottom of the LCD. These really aren't required to create a gap between the digitizer and the LCD, many people leave them off on purpose, but you can put them there to help this problem.

You'll find it---we've all been there!


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Had the same on my first lot, for me, it was a small shard of glass that was stuck to the back of the lcd.

In extreme cases, the new digitiser could be slightly thicker too? Is there a noticeable difference from your replacement and the one you took off?

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I’m having the same issue. I know that there isn’t anything causing the lcd to raise. The only thing is the foam gasket is missing from the lcd. That’s the only thing I can think is creating this problem.


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The large metal sheet that separates the LCD , the logic board components and battery should be taken out carefully. if you force it out its definitely gonna bend and that another case of the pressure mark.

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garrattmooney будет вечно благодарен.
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