Spilled on my comp- backlight and keyboard light not working?

I spilled barely any coffee on my MacBook air 13.3 inch 2013 model A1466.. Now everything works except the screen backlight and the keyboard backlight. I took the bottom apart and cleaned the obvious corrosion I could see, but I really don't know anything about computers. Is there a specific spot on the logic board I should be cleaning? Do I need to buy an entire logic board or just a fuse? HELP!

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brittrachelle22, all of those are depends. Depends on where the coffee spilled, depends on how you cleaned it, depends on your skills and depends on your comfort level. Start of by giving us the last four digits of the computers serial number. That will help us to properly identify your hardware. then consider posting a few images of your logic board with your question. that will allow us to see what you see. Adding images to an existing question


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