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Repair guides and support for Panasonic's Viera line of televisions.

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The red light on the T.V. blinks 10 times. Help please!

We have the same problem. T.V. was on this afternoon and it suddenly went off. I thought my husband shut it off. The cable box stayed on. The red light on the T.V. blinks 10 times. Help please!

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Bonnie, what exact model is your TV? what have you tried? do you have the ability or the tools to test a power board? It will also help if you post pictures of whatever you find with your question. For that use this guide Adding images to an existing question This is important since you are our eyes and ears.


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Bonnie, it is important to know if it blinks when you plug your TV in or if it blinks when you turn the power on. The power LED blinking ten times is indicative of issues with the voltages on Sub 5V, Main 3.3V, DTV 9V or the Tuner Power and the board in question is the "A-Board". Also, make sure that your units fan and airflow is not inhibited. Once you have the back open, check the fans and clean the unit if needed off all dust and debris. Start off by removing the rear cover

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to find all the boards.

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Let us know if this represents your TV's board layout. I do realize this is an incomplete answer but need to wait for feedback from you.

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Power distribution on this board is the same as on yours.

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