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Apple TV IR sensor

Where can I buy and how can I replace the IR sensor of an Apple TV?

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Check the voltage on the CR2032 in the remote first. Once these get to the point they only have 2V left, most CR2032 batteries are no longer usable in applicationa like a remote. Should that not work, try a new remote - if this doesn't help the Apple TV has a problem.

Resetting the Apple TV will not help a hardware fault, so don't bother - you will not fix anything that way so your next best step is to replace the board - you will probably need a donor for this due to the cost to ship such a part, but it is possible to do a module replacement for this component.

With the 2nd generation-present Apple TV, you will need to repair the board as the sensor is integrated and is not modular.

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why do you take out the logic board first?


I fixed it from what it was


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