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OnePlus' second entry into the Android phone market, the OnePlus 2, was released on August 11th 2015.

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Home Button/Fingerprint scanner not working at all

My Oneplus two home button is dead. Its not responding at all. I have tried reinstalling the new update (2.1.2), clear cache and it is still the same. Is this a hardware problem or a software problem. Please Help

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The hard reset doesen't work for me however I fixed the problem by discharge the phone completely. After it tourned of caused by the empty battery I pressed the power button for about 10 seconds to make sure the phone is 100 percent completely empty.

Now my home button is doing very well!


I had the same problem: Home button and fingerprint sensor not working, fingerprint self diagnostics resulting in "fail" (Dial *#808# and select).

Draining my battery completely as suggested did not work for my phone. However after upgrading from Android 5.1 to Android 6.0.1 (Oxygen OS 3.02) home button and fingerprint sensor immediately started to work again perfectly.


That's a relief than .... nothing worked for me too.... waiting for the OTA update....hope it will fix it like yours


After upgrading from Android 5.1 to Android 6.0.1 (Oxygen OS 3.02) my phone's finger print scanner is not working, it is showing fingerprint hardware is not available . what to do?


After the upgrade mine finally started working right.


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It certainly sounds like a hardware problem heres a guide to help in the teardown and the last step shows the home button and how its attached

OnePlus 2 Teardown

Hope this helps

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I had this same problem, and draining the battery fully and then charging it worked for me too. I noted that the problem originated after the battery had been accidentally drained (before the intentional drain that I performed), so perhaps the issue is related?


These issues are because a circuit board is failing (or about to fail) and you force this power/comm circuit board to reset its values and push command through.

It has been trialed that your bottom loudspeaker/vibrator circuit board is about to give up as it is prone to fail.

One day the force power down/up or discharge/full charge or other "magic" will not work anymore.

If that happens, at least you know what to do:

£11 to buy and 10 minutes to tinker.

Works as brand new!


video does not show how to remove and replace the home button.


My one plus two finger scan is not working I want to repair it


My oppo a57 fingerprint sensor is not working bus but the home button is work proper main issu is fingerprint sensor is not working


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I had the same problem and I thought it's a hardware problem. I searched about it and tried the hard shut down solution. It worked!!

Simply long press power button till it shut downs and restarts. That's it now just pray and hope it works like it did for me.

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Thank you, worked for me! :)


did not work for me :(


No didnt work....


Didnt work for me


Thanks brother. It really worked..


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The oneplus site has a few options to try out. I did and all failed except one. The successful step was draining my battery 100% (needs to be totally, fully discharged) and then charging it fully. It worked! All the best.. K

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Happened again and this worked again! So, at least as far as my phone is concerned, this is a validated solution. Do not EVER get your oneplus two wet or even damp!


Your problem indicates that your bottom loudspeaker/vibrator circuit board is about to give up as it is prone to fail.

One day the discharge - full charge will not work anymore.

If that happens, at least you know what to do:

£11 to buy and 10 minutes to tinker.

Works as brand new!! (and yes, it can get greasy, damp, whatever. Still works!)


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I had the same problem. Try disabling gestures. It seems to alleviate the peoblem. Would still take the phone to the service centre to get it checked though

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Discharge battery fully (totally), then recharge fully. It should be working again. Do not every get the button/scanner damp or wet. That's the problem! All the best, all...


thanks, it really worked for me


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Make the home button to get back on track?

With what?? force-power down and reinstall.. and full drain.. and whatnot?

Not really.

Of course, it can shake itself together and get back working (as a hardware) forced by the software.. temporarily.

In reallity, though, it is a HARDWARE ISSUE.

Rather cheap and easy to fix.

It is the bottom loudspeaker/vibrator circuit board, prone to fail.

£11 to buy and 10 minutes to tinker.

Works as brand new!!

Please feel free to spread the news.

Loads of OP2 out there suffering...

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so just replace the daughter Board and this will fix? ok


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I had my phone in my pocket while cycling, it seems to have caught moisture and the home button stopped working. Also the fingerprint test on *#808# says fail. What should I do? Is this covered by phone warranty?

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Try updating your phone to oxygen 3.0 (beta) . it worked for me. it will work for you definitely. If it works put a mail abhilash081@gmail.com .


Discharge battery fully (totally), then recharge fully. It should be working again. Do not ever get the button/scanner damp or wet. That's the problem! All the best..


i just restrated as said above and it worked. weven mine was caught with moisture


Can upcoming OTA will fix this problem automatically ?


Ya it will ..worked for most


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Try updating your phone to oxygen 3.0 (beta) . it worked for me.

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I had the same problem and tried all the other options: reboot, clear cache etc - none of these worked. Installed oxygen 3.0 (beta) and this worked great. Thank you.



Can the upcoming update for oneplus 2 fix my scanner


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I had the same issue. Suddenly my home button did not response. (5 Minutes ago)

Pressed the Powerbutton until it shuts down. Restart it and it's working fine again :)

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This is because you force a power/comm circuit board to reset its values and push command through.

Your problem indicates that your bottom loudspeaker/vibrator circuit board is about to give up as it is prone to fail.

One day the force power down/up will not work anymore.

If that happens, at least you know what to do:

£11 to buy and 10 minutes to tinker.

Works as brand new!


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Problem fixed with hard reset.

Recomended install the 3.0 Beta when you are doing the hard reset.

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So i just had this problem like 5 minutes ago and finally fixed it , i tried the hard reset way , turning off the gestures neither of those two worked .

1) the reason for your home button to not be working is because of moisture even if a drop of water can make it stop functioning , im my case i did a workout and used my sweaty fingers on it , and some sweat from the face fell on it , which lead to the button not working

2) to fix this problem , drain your phones battery completely to 0% till it automatically shuts down , the do some light blowdrying on that are (the speakers and the charger port give direct access to the inside so you can use that or just blowdry on the home button) then take a micro fiber cloth (basically the cloth which comes with reading glasses or which they use for cleaning screens <- for all those who dont know about micro fibre cloth) and rub it on the home button continuously for 5 mintues atleast with reasonable amount of force to crate friction , this will remove the moisture from the button and when you charge and open it , it will work ( note that many people here have said that while using this method , first charge your phone to 100% , but that is not necessary as it does not make sense and works right after it has restarted and reached the lockscreen) this is the best solution out there , dont remove all your memory(as done in some other methods) for no reason ,

I tried to be as brief as possible cause even i was searching here and could only find vague answers (but thanks to them it all went well) , i hope this helps and do let me know if it does :D

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Thanks, but don't worked for me.


Didn't work for me either.

In fact, all of these post I have been reading to make the home button to get back on track?

With what?? force-power down and reinstall.. and full drain.. and whatnot?

Not really.

Of course, you may get lucky and it can shake itself together and get back working (as a hardware) forced by the software.. but it is most probably just temporary.

In reallity, though, it is a HARDWARE ISSUE.

Rather cheap and easy to fix.

It is the bottom loudspeaker/vibrator circuit board, prone to fail. The home button connects to it and behold, it just gets knackered over time.

£11 to buy and 10 minutes to tinker.

Works as brand new!!


It worked twice with my OP2!!! Thank you very much @prag. With your permission I will copy your solution in the one plus official community forum, with link to this forum :)


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I did a full battery drain /recharge and the fingerprint home button worked again for me

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All these methods didnt worked at mit Op2 so i just changed the Homebutton.

I just needed 30 minutes of work and 7$ for the button.

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Happened with mine, the home button kept pressing itself. Just keep hard restting it and clearing cache, after a while it'll be good as new :)

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Finally. It's working for me.

That just long press power button untill it shut down.

After 3 times doing as well, now it's working. Thanks

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This is because you force a power/comm circuit board to reset its values and push command through.

Your problem indicates that your bottom loudspeaker/vibrator circuit board is about to give up as it is prone to fail.

One day the force power down/up will not work anymore.

If that happens, at least you know what to do:

£11 to buy and 10 minutes to tinker.

Works as brand new!


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Try this see full video 100% work


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Do not follow this idiot's link. It's useless and childish. Morons...


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1000% work fingerprint dead fix


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Do not follow this idiot's link. It's useless and childish. Morons...


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Long press the power button until shutdown worked for me too. Thanks!

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Hard reset worked for me. Thanks a bunch.

Android 6/Oxygen 3.0.2

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I tried everything..there isn't any change its still not working..some one please help me..

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button got fixed but when i restart the phone till then it continuously home button getting pressed not even one thing is getting opened dont know what to do :( very dissapointed from oneplus


Make the home button to get back on track?

With what?? force-power down and reinstall.. and full drain.. and whatnot?

Not really.

Of course, it can shake itself together and get back working (as a hardware) forced by the software.. temporarily.

In reallity, though, it is a HARDWARE ISSUE.

Rather cheap and easy to fix.

It is the bottom loudspeaker/vibrator circuit board, prone to fail.

£11 to buy and 10 minutes to tinker.

Works as brand new!!


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Hi! Both the fingerprint sensor and home button didn't work for me, I did all the restarts and it didn't help. I thought that it is a hardware issue but after installing latest update from One plus (A2003_24_160826) it started working again! Try it out if you are still struggling with this issue!

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From past few days, my Oneplus 2 home button and finger print sensor stopped working. Even in the Setting, (Setting – Security & Fingerprint), Fingerprint module was missing. I tried many ways like loading the latest oxygen patch / wiping the data & cache etc., but nothing worked. I then contacted Oneplus service center, they told most probably the hardware would have got damaged. Need 2 to 3 days to fix it and might cost around INR 4000 to 5000 /-. But, I didn’t give it to them. My friend helped to recover the fingerprint back on my mobile. Follow these steps, it worked for me:

Press Power button

When you see (Power off, Reboot, Screenshot).

Keep pressing on “Power off” for few second. It will ask for “Reboot to safe mode”, click OK.

Go to Setting – Security & Fingerprint.

You will see “Fingerprint” module.

Set the Fingerprint again.

Check it works for few times by locking and unlocking the phone.

Power off

Power ON as Normal.

By this, I was able to safe almost INR 5000 easily. Hope, this is beneficial to you too.

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I had. Same. Problem. It started when my phone became wet. I did all like blow drying, then updating and finally switching off. And it worked for me. Thanks

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The Safe mode and fingerprint delete worked like a charm for me.

Thanks a lot !!

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All of sudden my one plus 3 stopped working, i kept in charging for 30 minutes & i tired to turn on also it's not responding & home button also not responding. Corner green color light is popping up. what should i need to do to get it work properly . Can you please anyone help me regarding this.


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Oke i just had a oneplus2 come in for this issue ..come to find that its a software issue.

Solution 1 (only works if hardware is not damaged)

Root your device.

Download Root Essentials app from Google Store.

Open Root Essentials and head to fingerprint gestures and turn it on and test your home button now.

If the button works , turn off fingerprint gestures from root essentials and head to security setting to set up fingerprint.


Install Custom recovery

Flash RR Official

Root your device.

Download Root Essentials app from Google Store.

Open Root Essentials and head to fingerprint gestures and turn it on and test your home button now.

If the button works , turn off fingerprint gestures from root essentials and head to security setting to set up fingerprint.

Make sure your Home Button is not physically damaged from botched repair.

If it worked please write here to help others.

You're welcome.

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I have tried everything, long pressed the power button but still the home button n sensor ain’t working, what should i do, someone please help?

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