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My truck won't start. Tried so many things, I'm out of ideas.

Hello everyone,

I own a 2004 Dodge RAM 1500 2WD with 4.7L engine, very basic model, with automatic transmission.

I did not drive it for 3 or 4 weeks, not even start it.

So when I tried to start, dashboard lighted up, but it was strange.

>> When I turn the key for ignition, BRAKE + ABS lights blinks for one time.

Each time I turn for ignition, the same thing happens.

>> Dashboard won't show up my battery voltage

>> Dashboard won't recognize the speed where my transmission is (normally there's a square around the P, R, N or D position.. Nothing!)

>> I tried to change my battery for a new Optima Red 34, nothing changed

>> There's a very small "CLICK" sound coming from engine compartment when I turn the key for ignition

>> When my mechanic manually pushed on the Starter relay, the engine cranks but won't start

His thought is , my car won't start because it does not recognize the parking position anymore.

Thanks to everyone!

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Can you or your mechanic access the OBD2 port with a scanner tool? It may give an indication what is going on. Here is a link, can't see your year model but may give some help.



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Don't know but maybe you or your mechanic can follow this up. Especially check the PCM fuse. I know not your year model, but likely to be nearly the same if not the same. http://www.dodgetalk.com/forums/showthre...

I am still looking into your OBD2 issue.

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Best I can find out is most scanners if they work on one model will work on another within the same brand(?), if the OBD2 port is functioning that is.

Found these which may help, especially about the 'key dance' or variations thereof. http://www.dodgetalk.com/forums/showthre... http://dodgeforum.com/forum/3rd-gen-ram-...

http://www.outilsobdfacile.com/vehicle-l... this is user submitted so may not be complete



Hi Joffrey, about the only thing I can think of now is to replace the PCM, if you find that the fuse is OK. Reluctant to advise that course of action as it is very expensive and you don't know if that is the problem. Pity you can't just 'borrow' one and it it works then pay for it. Either that or you could try a mobile auto electrician, to come to you and get him to check if power is getting to the module. Good luck!



We already tried to plug in a OBD2 , our application makes contact with the obd2 tool,

but we cannot connect to the vehicule

Is there any application to use specially for RAM trucks?

Ours is only for Caliber, Journey, and some other


Hello Jayeff,

Thank you for everything, I will try that this saturday and will keep you in touch !

By the way I already knew about the key trick, and it don't work anymore (it worked before..). Outilsobdfacile don't allow me to read anything on the RAM, I aleady tried with Delphi-150E and ELM327 obd2 scanners.. I'm really out of ideas!


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