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A touchscreen smartphone made by LG released in September 2013 with the model number VS980.

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LG G2 d802 flicker issue

My LG phone is pretty new but sadly this starts happening...

picture 1 : http://imgur.com/7WZQ8ZP

picture 2 :http://imgur.com/pCx3b6R

video : https://vid.me/lwes

After I use the phone for 5 or 10 minutes this thing starts happening. It's very annoying. I tried to change the flex cable but same result .

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It seems as if the digitizer might be playing up.

Since you say that it is pretty new I suggest that you check the Warranty period of your phone and if it is still valid, contact the manufacturer's customer support section regarding a Warranty repair/replacement.

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I buyed the phone from Aliexpress , opened a dispute and the seller said it isn't his fault and refund me with 30 USD but the phone don't have warranty .


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I bought a Emi1X for 2 Eur and fixed it easily! ( you still need to open phone ) You can buy one from here :


Remember to apply it with oil!

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mitakob19 будет вечно благодарен.
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