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The third generation of the Samsung Galaxy tablet with a 7-in. screen announced on June 24, 2013. Repair of this device requires screwdrivers and prying tools. The device is available in white or gold brown with 8, 16, or 32 GB of storage, and includes a microSD slot that can hold up to an additional 64 GB of memory.

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The enjoyment of playing my games cut

there's 2 games that i play all the time but a week and a half ago both of them start malfunctioning such as one game i get to play for a couple of minutes then right in the middle of playing boom im back at my home screen. The other game i get to finish a level but as soon as i finish the level boom HOME SCREEN . NOW i have had both games for almost a year now i have been i in touch with the developers of both games and thay both said their shouldn't be any problems with my samsung tab 3. i have had this tablet for 2 years now i I absolutely love it and I can't afford a new one what can i do please help

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Have you installed any new apps, updated any or done a system update about the time that the problems started?

Drastic measure, backup your tab, do a hard reset, install your games and see how they run.

If OK it means your tab is OK and a downloaded app / update or a system software glitch may have caused the problem.

You now have two options:

1. Restore your tab from your backup and see if the games fail. If they do it is a downloaded app or a setting changed by an app that is causing the problem. You then have to work out which one is causing the problem.

If they work it may have been a system software glitch that has been rectified by the hard reset.

2. Download and re-install your favourite apps one at a time, see how the games work, keep doing this until the games either fail or you are happy with the apps that you have got installed to that point without it failing.

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