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The DigiLand DL1010Q was released late 2014 in Europe. The device uses an Android 5.1 Operating System.

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HDMI output no longer detected.

Tablet is about 1 month old. I use it only to play games and watch movies . I watch movies by connecting the tablet to my television with an HDMI to mini-HDMI cord which is also less than a month old. While the HDMI cord is connected, the tablet is not moved until I disconnect the cord. I tried to watch a movie yesterday using the same method and the tablet nor television recognize the connection and when I click on the HDMI configuration, the video resolution setting is greyed out... When last used a few days ago, there were no problems. To my knowledge, no updates were installed except for the couple of apps that are on the tablet. I have reset tablet to factory in hopes of maybe resolving a software conflict or something of that nature. Is there anything else that can be done to possibly fix this problem?

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Have you checked that the TV was switched to the correct HDMI input?

Have you tried a different (if possible) HDMI input on your TV?

Have you proved that the HDMI input(s) on your TV work by connecting another device with a HDMI connection?

Have you tried a different HDMI cable or proved that the one you are using works, by using it to connect another device to the TV and seeing if it works? (e.g. some mobile phones have mini HDMI outputs)

If the answer to the all the above questions is yes and given that you have factory restored your tablet, I suggest that you verify that the warranty period on your tablet is still valid and that you contact the manufacturer's customer service section regarding a warranty repair or replacement.

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how do i switch my tv to the correct hdm1 input?


Hi @yeyeoge ,

On the TV's remote control unit there should be a button labelled "input".

By pressing this you should be presented with on options menu screen to select the various types of inputs available on your TV (you don't state the make or model) i.e. HDMI 1 (possibly HDMI 2 and HDMI 3 depending if you have that many), AV1, AV2, USB etc.

Use the arrow buttons (either Up/Down or Left / Right) on the remote to step to the required HDMI input, which should have the HDMI cable already connected to the HDMI port on the device (is it a DigiLand tablet?).

The HDMI inputs are labelled on the TV as to what their number is as a further check.

You might also have to click the OK button on the remote to verify that the input you selected is the one you want.

If you have connected the tablet to the input that you have selected then there should be a display on the TV (make sure the tablet is switched on) rather than a 'no signal' message. If you get a no signal message post back and we'll try to help you further.


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