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The Epson WorkForce 645 is an all-in-one office color inkjet printer. Model: C11CB86201.

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Sometimes prints in italics

When printing a page on an Epson Workforce 645 printer, sometimes an entire line or most of a line, will print in italics. This is random and not reproducible. Reprinting might be fine or other lines or portions of lines appear to be in italics.

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Printers just do what they're told. If they do produce incorrect print it is usually in the form of gobbledigook (incomprehensible print). They are not sophisticated enough to change to italics, (in the same font?), for a short while and then go back to normal again.

Does it only happen when you are using the one program, or several different ones on your computer?

If it is only one program where it occurs from maybe you should check the program (is it Word or some other Office type program etc) and see that when it does happen that there isn't a format change (even hidden) in the particular line(s) in the text.

Does it only happen with a particular font?

If so maybe the font has become corrupted.

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Perhaps I didn't describe it properly. Rather than saying it prints in italics I should have said it looks like italics, where sometime the top half of the letters (on a line or portion of a line) are not aligned with the bottom half. Usually the top half is shifted just a bit to the right of the bottom half, but sometimes it's the other way.

It's independent of the software that's requesting the print, or the font,

I assuming it's a hardware problem whereby something (the print head??) shifts a tiny bit as it's printing a line -- the upper and lower portions of the text on a line. As I mentioned previously, I can print the same text a second time and it'll look fine, and perhaps other lines would appear skewed this way. It's usually a whole line, but it may be less.

So I don't think it's a software issue (printers doing what they're told), but something sometimes gets out of alignment. If I can find out what, perhaps I can fix it.



Here is a link to the user guide. On p.256-257 it describes methods of performing a printhead alignment check.



Thanks Jayeff. I have done a print alignment several times in the past. I'll try it again, both ways. The problem is that it's not misaligned all the time -- just random times on a page. That's why I felt it's like a hardware intermittent glitch. But I'll give it another shot.


I am too encountering the same issue. I am using epson l380 model. Whenever i am printing a page, some words or sometimes entire line prints in distorted font ( u can say it distorted italics) .

I have done all routine software checkups.

Can any one help me out on hardware related issue.

I think there is a glitch in the alignment of printhead.


Hi @Aamir Asdaque,

Has it ever worked OK?

What OS is installed in the computer connected to the printer?

When you state "I have done all routine software checkups." does this mean that you have done the printhead alignment procedure as outlined in the User manual (scroll to p.95)?

If you have and it made no difference, do you have the same problem occurring when you copy or scan a document using the printer's control panel?

I may be wrong but is this a relatively new model?

If you've had it less than 12 months you may be able to make a manufacturer's warranty claim to get it replaced if you can't get it working correctly


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My printer had a problem with only printing half lines. The top half would be missing of every letters a T would look like an I. After many many trial and error fixes from cleaning heads or alignment I found that all I had to do was uninstall printer drivers and then download a new one from Epson and install. It worked for me. I know it’s a different problem but it sounds like something that may help

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