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The Samsung Galaxy Note II is a smartphone noted for its combination of a large display and software optimized for an integral self-storing stylus.

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What part to replace for my all blue screen?

My phone shut down all of a sudden. Then I turn it back on & it start to have a white band on the left side of screen with a few colourful lines. Then it slowly develop a purple cloud on left TOP, which just grow to cover almost all of my screen in about 4 hours. I tried to Google and became confused as to what part I actually need to replace? The LCD screen or the digitizer? I am not sure what digitizer is also. Please help.

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The digitizer is unfortunately part of the LCD. LCD had gone bad while the glass doesn't appear to be damaged. You'll need to replace LCD + Digitizer which would include the glass.

I will edit this post on where to find them and disassembly guide when I get home. Otherwise someone else may post it instead.

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