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Need a new battery?


friend of mine just came to me with iPhone 5 that's not working - the battery drained and then he cannot charge it. So i cleaned a charging connector, let it charge but only apple logo showed and then it turned off... and again, again again... I disasembled iPhone and i could see that battery was changed - some brand like Blue Star or someting. Should i replace battery? I need to know if i have to order it, or if it is another problem.

Sorry for my english, I'm from Czech Republic...

Have a nice day,

Dominik Pechac

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Выбранное решение

Is the whole battery has a sticker over it with 'Blue Star'?

Anyway, when you plug the charger cable into the phone and try to charger it, it shows apple logo then turns off and shows it again correct?

If you unplug the charger while the apple logo is on, does it instantly go off when you unplug the cable? If yes, then that battery is most likely at fault and needs to be replaced.

If you want to investigate the battery further, check the flex cable of the battery for any cuts or physical damage.

Edit: Oh and your english is good :)

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Thank you for fast reply! I don't own lightning cable, so i will try theese thing when i will meet my friend which does. Thank you for help! I'm happy that you said my english is good, thank you :)


Same brand, just model for iPhone 5


After changing battery, everything is okay. Blue Star battery is totally dead.


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