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A touchscreen smartphone made by LG released in September 2013 with the model number VS980.

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My cell dies quickly and reboots itself

My LG g2 will be charged but die quickly. Whether I'm doing something on it or not. I'll be at work and take it out of my pocket at the end of the day and it will be at like 20 % . also- recently it has been rebooting itself. I'll be doing something on it and it will freeze then go black and then turn on like it would normally. I don't know why its doing this or how to fix it.

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Try another battery. Check your microSD card if you have one inside for any burn marks on the gold points on it. If there is burn marks, replace the microSD card.


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There is a power problem here either in the form of a bad battery or a short somewhere in the phone . As Ben says check the sd best test here is to try the phone without the card for a while. But go one step further and check the Motherboard for burn or discoloration . Check the contact points around any connectors and any shields as they could have crushed down and are shorting out the board. Hope this helps

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