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Model A1311 / Mid 2011 / 2.5 & 2.7 GHz Core i5 or 2.8 GHz Core i7 Processor

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Swap out optical drive for SSD


I'm looking to mount a Samsung 850 Evo SSD in my mid 2011 21.5 iMac. I bought the SSD and superdrive caddy to install in my previous 2009 model, but upgraded before I got around to it!

Can I still use the caddy in place of the superdrive in the 2011 model or do I have to go the full hog taking everything apart to fit the ssd in the new space and using the extra sata connector ?

Is there any benifit to doing the full install instead of using the superdrive caddy (if it indeed can be used) ?


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I would put the effort into mounting the SSD per the IFIXIT guide: Installing iMac Intel 21.5" EMC 2428 Dual Hard Drive Kit Vs swapping out the optical drive. I doubt the carrier you got will correctly mount to the frame. It's really not that hard.

Besides I like to watch a DVD once in a while :-}

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I would fully disagree w/said above user. The added steps for dual kit vs just DVD swap IS NOT WORTH IT! Buy an ext dvd drive, worth it.

The logic board has to be removed if you do dual vs just swapping optical drive for a ssd kit. i've done ssd swap outs before on iMacs and yea. dual kit install IS NOT fun at all, takes several hours and can be risky since dealing w/logic board. so NO imo unless you want to risk breaking logic board or other items.

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Anonymous 8685 - 1st you don't take the logic board out you lean if forward to gain access to the SATA connector to plug in the cable. As far as going with an optical drive swap out be aware your optical drives SATA port is only SATA II (3.0 Gb/s) Vs the full data rate of SATA III (6.0 Gb/s) from the HD or spare connectors (see the image I pasted in your answer).

While I'll agree is a bit more work its not that bad if you know what you are doing and carefully follow the IFIXIT guide. I've done around 20 of them and I can do it in about 2 hours.


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