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Refrigerator/Freezer Fan running but not cooling

Yesterday noticed that the freezer was defrosting, refrigerator seemed okay. This morning fridge is also warming. We can hear the fan or something running, light is on. Cleaned the coils, which were quite dirty, and also left it unplugged for about 2 hrs to see if it would reboot somehow. No luck.

Temp controls are also fine. I've read that it could be something related to defrost system, but I don't know how to check that. It's model # WRS6R3EW2. (It says White Westinghouse on the front of the unit, Electrolux on the model # sticker, and frigidaire.com on the owners manual, take your pick!)

Does anyone know how I would test the defroster components? Or have any suggestions on other fixes I could try?


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Here is a link that shows how to troubleshoot a warm fridge/freezer.


Here is a link that shows you the parts list for your fridge. At the bottom of the page is a list of common problems and the most likely cause.


Here is a link that shows how to replace the evaporator fan. While it is not for your model, it does show how to gain access to the evaporator unit, so that you can check that it is not iced over and whether or not the fan is working. If it is iced over most likely the defrosting circuitry has a problem.


Remember to disconnect the power when you are actually working on the fridge and only reconnect it to 'observe' what is happening.

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