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Repair information for the iMac G4.

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Replace the Screen Backlight?

I have a G4, 1.25ghz, 20inch Imac with a blown backlight. How complex is it to fix this myself and what are the approximate cost of the parts? I am getting estimates of over $1000 in the NYC area to fix this.

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You would need to partially dissasemble the screen assembly by removing the hex screws around the display. Then, partially lift the panel out, and disconnect the LVDS cable, and inverter power cable. Then remove the LCD Panel/ faceplate. Then you can disconnect the inverter and replace it.

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The new inverter might cost around $100 though


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So is the Inverter another name for the backlight? I think they said the backlight bulb is what blew out. Where would I source the part(s). Thanks in advance.

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mtsquared2 будет вечно благодарен.
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