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Announced in March 2015 and released April 10, 2015, the Galaxy S6 Edge is the curved-screen version of Samsung's newest flagship smartphone.

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Unfortunately, Messages has stopped. Samsung S6 Edge Error

I've had my phone for about a week and now i'm getting this error when I try opening or sending texts. I have tried deleting cache and data, even factory restarted the phone but nothing worked. How can I fix this?

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Выбранное решение

You probably either have to reload the system firmware via Odin with Downloaded firmware from sammobile or do a system restore via Samsung kies. Note that doing it by kies will also do a factory reset on the phone.

Are you using Google hangouts or the normal messaging / text app?

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I'm using the normal text app


You can use Google Hangouts as an alternative.


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I have the same problem on my galaxy s6 active, seems like it's been ever since it updated to 6.0.1. On mine anyone in my active conversations list i can text just fine, but it will not send or receive to any new numbers if i try i get the message "unfortunately messages has stopped"

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