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Released April 2013, model numbers GT-N5100 (3G & Wifi), GT-N5110 (Wifi), and GT-N5120 (3G, 4G/LTE & Wifi)

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Why is my tablet keep turning on and off

It turns on and then off and I can't do nothing with it

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what was done to start the problem ? was it dropped or were you rooting it?


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Выбранное решение

If the machine was not damaged either by a drop or you trying to root it you can try disconnecting the battery to clear the cache so it gets a clean boot. Here are instructions to disconnecting the battery

Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 Battery Replacement

if you just disconnect it for 60 sec it will clear the memory and allow a clean boot .Hope this helps

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Meghan sharp будет вечно благодарен.
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