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fuel level indication/ gauge

Why is my fuel level indication erratic, and how can I repair it? 1991 Toyota Pickup

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This is a 22R engine with a Dolphin motorhome chasis which makes it difficult to access anything. I had to make 2 holes in the floor. One to access the filler tube which was leaking and another to locate the fuel pump, which I didn't pull.


I got a 1991 Toyota pickup and can’t figure out which wires goes to the fuel pump


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@jimbo1943 could be an issue with your fuel sending unit, the wiring or the gauge itself. The sending unit is a float like device with a resistor connected to the float and mounted inside the tank.

Block Image

and it is there that I would start my trouble shooting. Since you dfid not give us a whole lot of information about what model your PU is or what engine size etc,I can only give you the resistance from the shop manual for a 4x4

For a 17.17gal 4x4 tank at full the resistance is 3 +- 2/3 and at empty the resistance is 110 +-7.7. So use your multimeter and check to see if that is what you get. Or you could go out on a hunch and replace the unit....

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just a side note on these sender units(Toyota)there are 3 small barbs that move up and down with the float on three rails . When these barbs dont make contact they throw the gauge off so what you can do is look closely at these and make sure all 3 are making contact with there rail sometimes all thats needed is to bend them into position again


This is a 22R engine with a Dolphin motorhome chasis which makes it difficult to access anything. I had to make 2 holes in the floor. One to access the filler tube which was leaking and another to locate the fuel pump, which I didn't pull.


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