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The Dell Inspiron 15 (N5050) is a mid-sized laptop manufactured by Dell, Inc. that operates on Windows 7. The laptop features include a WLED HD display screen and a max supported memory of 8 GB.

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lines on the screen

i have coloured lines on the screen and a beeping noise

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Do the lines on the screen appear as soon as you start the pc or only when it boots into Windows? Is there a pattern to the beeps e.g. does it go 6 beeps - pause -6 beeps pause etc?

What is the exact model number of your laptop?


The model is 5050-0705 and yes it does 6 beeps and then pauses


Yes lines appear as soon as i put the laptop on..


shannonmoore200 connect an external monitor and see what it shows.


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Unfortunately for you the 6 beeps indicate that there is a problem with the video unit in your laptop. This usually means either a replacement motherboard or possibly a professional repair.

A repair by a reputable, professional Dell authorized service centre may be possible but it will probably be cheaper to replace the motherboard.

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shannonmoore200 будет вечно благодарен.
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